Photo of the Month (May 2024 Edition): Amazonian Niceties

Photo of the Month (May 2024 Edition): Amazonian niceties   The world’s largest rainforest hosts the world’s most extensive and voluminous river, which originates in the world’s longest mountain range, featuring some of the globe’s highest peaks. The Amazon is immense, and if it were a country, the Amazon River basin (>7.05 million km²) would […]

Photo of the Month (April 2024 Edition): Eretmochelys imbricata

Photo of the Month (April 2024 Edition): Eretmochelys imbricata     About 8 years ago, during my first visit to Ilhabela, on the São Paulo coast, I envisioned a photograph that I still haven’t been able to capture. Snorkeling one late afternoon at Portinho Beach, I saw a turtle emerging from the water to breathe, […]

Photo of the Month (February 2024) March Edition: Exploring New Horizons

Photo of the Month (February / March 2024 Edition): Exploring New Horizons   “Drone photography,” much like “mobile photography,” is a peculiar concept, as it involves photographs taken by cameras on devices adapted for various purposes. In this case, the drone is merely a vehicle that may or may not carry a camera. This unmanned […]

Photo of the month (January 2024): Change

Photo of the month (January 2024): Change   The quote “new year, new life” never made sense to me before the transition from 2023 to 2024. Literally, I left a 3-year living in Europe on Dec 31st. to land back in South America on Jan. 1st 2024, while seeing the firework shows over São Paulo […]

Photo of the month (December 2023): Etna

Photo of the month (December 2023): Etna   Once upon a time I realised that my top three things that I wanted so badly to see, and photograph, were the auroras, the giant waves of Nazaré and volcanoes in eruption. I don’t know exactly why these three things, but probably because they share one particular […]

Photo of the month (November 2023): Arctic Orca

Photo of the month (November 2023): Arctic Orca   Skjervøy, in Northern Norway, is nowadays one of the best places in the world to see pools of orcas  (Orcinus orca). During the winter, in the cold waters of the Arctic fjords, the Cetaceans find their preferred food: the herring, a fish from the Clupeidae family. […]

Photo of the month (October 2023): Tanzanita, the Lynx

Photo of the month (October 2023): Tanzanita, the Lynx   Most of my photographic campaigns in 2023 were dedicated to the Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus). I estimate some 300 hours in four months searching for them in the Sierra de Andújar, Southern Spain. Thus, I thought that the October´s Photo should be on my last […]

Photo of the Month

PHOTO OF THE MONTH The quote “Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop” is often attributed to Ansel Adams. However, I still haven´t found in which context did he said this (if he once did). The fact is that, as sharply pointed by the brilliant photographer Adrian Vila, this quote is […]